Department Establishment
About the Department
The Department of Radiological Techniques at Alnoor University was established in the academic year 2018–2019 to contribute to the development and education of diverse medical sciences in service of the public and private healthcare sectors. The program duration is four years, after which graduates are awarded a Bachelor’s degree in Radiological Techniques. The department features lecture halls for theoretical studies and various laboratories tailored to the curriculum's units. These halls and laboratories are equipped with the latest teaching tools and the necessary materials for laboratory work.
Department Objectives
Preparing skilled personnel capable of effectively handling radiological and ultrasound technologies and their devices, with a deep understanding of human body structures, enabling them to excel in imaging and diagnosis while minimizing the likelihood of errors.
Department Vision
Radiology serves as the third eye of humans, enabling them to see what lies beneath the skin and within the body. This new "eye" provides accurate diagnoses, allowing doctors to identify medical conditions and their symptoms with precision.
Department Mission
Ensuring efficient diagnostic time, guiding surgeons to precise target areas, and empowering patients with medical advice leading to recovery.
Department Description
Graduates of the Radiological Techniques Department are scientifically qualified to work in radiology units within the Ministry of Health or private clinics. They serve as the third eye for people, unveiling what lies within their bodies.
Department Lectures
Course Description
Academic Program
Learning Links
Contact the Department
Scientific Research
Study Plan
Stage | |
Subject | No. |
Physiology | 2 |
Medical | 2 |
Chemistry | 2 |
Human Rights | 2 |
Computer | 3 |
Anatomy | 3 |
Biology | 2 |
Principle | 3 |
English | 3 |
General | 2 |
Stage | |
Subject | No. |
وقاية | 2 |
التشريح | 6 |
Medical | 4 |
تقنيات | 8 |
تقنيات | 8 |
فحوصات | 8 |
الفيزياء | 6 |
Stage | |
Subject | No. |
التشريح | 6 |
تقنيات | 8 |
تقنيات | 8 |
فحوصات | 8 |
علم | 6 |
الفيزياء | 6 |
وقاية | 4 |
Stage | |
Subject Name | No. |
مبادئ | 7 |
التصوير | 8 |
التصوير | 8 |
التصوير | 8 |
إحصاء | 6 |
مشروع | 4 |
Platform Address | Platform Explanation | Platform link | |
Radiopaedia | An educational website specialized in radiology sciences, providing interactive content and educational articles. | | |
ARRS (American Roentgen Ray Society) | Provides educational resources, research articles, and tests in the field of radiology. | | |
Aunt Minnie | A platform providing educational news and case studies in radiology. | |
First Stage / First Semester
S | Name of the Subject in Arabic | Name of the Subject in English | Number of Units | Instructor's Name |
1 | الكيمياء العامة | General Chemistry | 3 | Asst. Lect. Nada Othman - Asst. Lect. Saja Saad - Asst. Lect. Karim Atar - Asst. Lect. Ahmed Abdel Sattar - Asst. Lect. Media Hamid - (Theoretical) Dr. Muwaffaq Khazal |
2 | البايولوجي | Biology | 3 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Mona Taher - Asst. Lect. Ban Abdel Aziz - Asst. Lect. Shifa Moayed - Asst. Lect. Yamama Abbas |
3 | تشريح الهيكل العظمي | Anatomy and Histology | 3 | Dr. Intisar Hajem -Asst. Lect. Mohammed Adnan - |
4 | علم الفسلجة العام | Physiology | 3 | Dr. Iman Sami - Asst. Lect.. Hala Osama - Asst. Lect. Tamara Nizar - Asst. Lect. Mustafa Mahmoud -Asst. Lect. Nadia Khaled -Asst. Lect. Samir Najou |
5 | الفيزياء العامة | General Physics | 3 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Sanaa Fathy - Asst. Lect. Nashwan Salah El-Din - Asst. Lect. Karam Maysar |
6 | مبادئ الحاسوب | Computer Application | 2 | Dr. Ramadan Mahmoud |
7 | حقوق الانسان والديمقراطية | Human Rights & Democracy | 2 | Asst. Lect. Amjad Sharif |
8 | English Language | English Language | 2 | Asst. Lect. Hussam Nawfal |
First stage / second semester
S | Name of the Subject in Arabic | Name of the Subject in English | Number of Units | Instructor's Name |
1 | تشريح اجهزة الجسم | Anatomy of body systems | 3 | |
2 | فيزياء الذرة | Physics of atom | 3 | |
3 | علم الفسلجة الوظيفي | Systemic Physiology | 3 | |
4 | البايولوجي الاشعاعي | Radiobiology | 4 | |
5 | اسس التمريض | Principle of Nursing | 4 | |
6 | مبادئ الحاسوب | Computer Principles2 | 2 | |
7 | المصطلحات الطبية | Medical Terminology | 2 | |
8 | اللغة العربية | Arabic Language | 2 | |
9 | جرائم حزب البعث البائد | 1 |
Second stage / first semester
S | Name of the Subject in Arabic | Name of the Subject in English | Number of Units | Instructor's Name |
1 | تقنيات الاجهزة الشعاعية التقليدية | Conventional Radiological Equipment Techniques | 4 | Lect. Sabah Youssef |
2 | تقنيات التصوير الشعاعي للاطراف العليا | Radiographic Techniques for upper limbs | 4 | Asst. Prof. Hazem Khalil |
3 | فحوصات شعاعية خاصة للجهاز الهضمي والعظام | Special radiological procedures of gastrointestinal tract and bones | 4 | Asst. Prof. Hazem Khalil |
4 | تشريح الشعاعي للراس والاطراف العليا | Radiological anatomy of head and upper limbs | 4 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Basem Idris |
5 | اساسيات الفيزياء الشعاعية | Fundamentals of radio-physics | 3 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Nawfal Youssef |
6 | اساسيات الوقاية من الاشعاع | Fundamental of radiation protection | 3 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Rashid Mahmoud |
Second stage / second semester
S | Name of the Subject in Arabic | Name of the Subject in English | Number of Units | Instructor's Name |
1 | تقنيات اجهزة التصوير المقطعي المحوسب | Computed Tomography Equipment Techniques | 4 | Lect. Sabah Youssef |
2 | تقنيات التصوير الشعاعي للاطراف السفلى | Radiographic Techniques for lower limbs | 4 | Asst. Prof. Hazem Sabah |
3 | فحوصات شعاعية خاصة للجهازالصفراوي والتناسلي | Special radiological procedures of biliary and reproductive system | 4 | Asst. Prof. Hazem Khalil |
4 | تشريح الشعاعي للاطراف السفلى | Radiological anatomy of lower limbs | 4 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Basem Idris |
5 | فيزياء التصوير المقطعي | Physics of computed tomography | 3 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Nawfal Youssef |
Third stage
S | Name of the Subject in Arabic | Name of the Subject in English | Number of Units | Instructor's Name |
1 | التشريح الشعاعي ll | Radiologic anatomy | 6 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Basem Idris |
2 | تقنيات التصوير الشعاعي ll | Radiographic techniques | 8 | Dr. Zahraa Nafeh |
3 | تقنيات الاجهزة الطبية الشعاعية ll | Radiological medical equipment technologies | 8 | Prof. Dr. Hanaa Hassan |
4 | فحوصات شعاعية خاصة ll | Special radiological procedures | 8 | Dr. Zahraa Nafeh |
5 | علم الامراض | Pathology | 6 | Dr. Abdul Karim Younis |
6 | الفيزياء الشعاعية ll | Radiation physics | 6 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Nawfal Idris |
7 | وقاية من الاشعاعll | Radiation protection | 4 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Rashid Mahmoud |
Fourth stage
S | Name of the Subject in Arabic | Name of the Subject in English | Number of Units | Instructor's Name |
1 | مبادئ الطب والجراحة | Principle of medicine and surgery | 7 | Dr. Moayad Aziz - Dr. Adel Tawfiq |
2 | التصوير المقطعي | Computed tomography | 8 | Dr. Kawkab Nouri |
3 | التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي | MRI | 8 | Asst. Lect. Zahraa Nafeh |
4 | التصوير بالموجات فوق الصوتية | Ultrasound imaging | 8 | Asst. Lect. Tamara Moayed |
5 | احصاء حيوي وتطبيقات الحاسوب | Biostatics & computer applications | 6 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Nathir |
6 | مشروع بحث التخرج | Graduation project | 4 |